Enrolment at Holy Cross School 

Catholic Schools in New Zealand have a maximum roll which is a number established by the Proprietor and agreed to by Government as to the number of students a school can legally enrol. 

Holy Cross Catholic School can legally enrol up to 5% non-preference or non-Catholic students, provided that all preference applicants are accepted prior to any non-preference enrolments being accepted.  A school, however, does not need to enrol any non-preference students if space does not allow.   

If a child is to be a preference student, he or she must obtain a signed preference certificate.  Preference certificates can be obtained from the school or downloaded from this website.   A signed preference certificate does not guarantee enrolment at our school.  This may dependent on the capacity of our school.

At Holy Cross Catholic School, there is a legal requirement that a preference card must be completed.  

This is done by simply contacting the school's Parish Priest, who can help you to complete this task. 

Our school Enrolment Packs are available from the school office

Please email admin@holycross.school.nz or contacting us on 09 838 8802.

The following forms must be completed/provided:

For more information, please click the following links:

Holy Cross Parish

Preference cards will be signed at the Holy Cross Parish, by appointment only.

Please ensure that you bring along your child’s Baptismal Certificate or your own.

To make an appointment, please phone the Parish on 09 835 3355.