School Uniform
Students are expected and encouraged to take pride in their appearance.
All uniform items can be purchased from the uniform shop located on site at Holy Cross School - please ask the office staff to open the shop for you any time between 8.30am and 3.30pm.
We have a changing area for trying on sizes. We also have a (limited) range of second hand uniform items available. Payment by cash, eftpos and credit card accepted.
Please ensure you clearly name all uniform items. Note: Shoes are not available from the uniform shop, you may purchase these from any store. See below for requirements.
Second hand uniform items can also be purchased from the school uniform shop, if stock is available.
The only jewellery permitted is one pair of plain ear studs and religious or cultural items.
No nail polish or makeup is to be worn. Long hair must be tied back with either red or black hair ties.
Waterproof jackets can be worn to and from school only. These are not to be worn inside classrooms. We encourage all students to pack a spare change of clothing in their bags at all times in case clothing gets wet or muddy.
A note from home must explain any breaches in the uniform policy.
Holy Cross short sleeve polo shirt
Girls and boys - unisex black school shorts, can be worn all year.
Girls - black school culottes, can be worn all year.
Holy Cross bucket hat - must be worn when outside.
Black sandals with a back strap (no socks) must be worn in terms 1 and 4.
The Holy Cross jumper can be worn all year.
Holy Cross short or long sleeve polo shirt.
Y0-6 girls and boys - choice of unisex black school shorts or black school long pants .
Girls - black school culottes.
Black close-toed shoes with knee high black socks or plain black wool tights. Socks are available at the uniform shop.
Holy Cross jumper (can be worn all year).
Black shoes (covered toes) must be worn in winter.
Holy Cross beanies available from the uniform shop (optional).
Children may wear thermal tops underneath their polo shirts, as long as they are not visible.
In the winter months please send your child with spare clothes in their bag.
School black sport shorts.
Holy Cross PE shirt.
Sports shoes of your choice, with black socks.
Sports shoes of your choice, with black socks.
The PE uniform is to be worn during PE classes only.
White Holy Cross blouse.
Black school skirt.
Holy Cross jumper (can be worn all year).
During terms 1 and 4, year 7-8 students have the option of wearing black school shorts. During formal occasions such as Mass, the school skirt must be worn.
During terms 1 and 4, the Holy Cross bucket hat must be worn when outside the school buildings. Adjustable and fixed size bucket hats available in the uniform shop.
Please note on tech days all Year 7-8 senior girls must wear closed-toed shoes for health and safety purposes.