Religious Education
The Religious Education programme for Catholic Primary Schools in Aotearoa, New Zealand is an integral part of the school’s Curriculum. Religious Education is taught as the first lesson of the day, enabling students to grow in their understanding and appreciation of the Catholic Faith.
Reflection, prayer and mass are central to the adventure of Catholic Education and the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith.
Cleopas and his companion walked the road from Jerusalem together.
They reflected on all that happened prior to, and following the death of Jesus.
(Luke 24:13-14)
Catholic Staff
At Holy Cross Catholic School, we encounter Christ in all our Staff. As a staff, we are committed to upholding our Catholic Special Character in our words and actions. As we journey together, we grow in our spirituality and faith, and in our knowledge of Christ.
We participate each year in appropriate Catholic Special Character and Religious Education professional learning and development to enhance our knowledge of Theology, Scripture and Church Teachings.
As we model our faith in all that we say and do, we become Christ for each other.
As Jesus walked with his companions, “he told them the things about himself as revealed in all the Scriptures.”
What an education! “Their hearts burned within them as they listened to their master.”
(Luke 24, 27, 32).